Quick Questions with Stephanie
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What's something you're reading or watching right now? Tell us about it.
I am currently reading "Children of Blood and Bone" by Tomi Adeyemi which is a fantasy novel with a magic system rooted in Yoruba Religion. It has been really fun to read about the Orishas in the a fantasy setting. All of my knowledge of the Orishas have come from academic courses, so this story was a breath of fresh air! As for television, I am currently watching "Casa de las Flores" on Netflix. This show is all the best parts of Spanish telenovelas and I love the way morality is more grey than black and white.
How are you staying grounded during this time?
I have really struggled to stay grounded during this time. My first tool is attending bi-weekly virtual therapy sessions. These are helpful in allowing me to talk through my anxiety, depression, and grief of "normalcy.” I have also started trying to implement more self-care habits such as going on walks, eating healthy meals, reading, and doing some yoga. My partner and I have also been hosting some games online with our friends to stay connected.
What is something you want to learn more about?
I am interested in learning more about typography and graphic design so that I can make some designs of my own and express myself creatively. I am also spending some time refining my Spanish. My family speaks Spanish but I was never really "taught" it at home. I would love to be conversational so I can chat with my older family members and to help me connect with Spanish Speakers wherever I work.
Tell us about your first library job? How did it shape your career choice today?
My first library job was a circulation assistant at my undergrad library as well as an interlibrary loan student assistant. These two positions solidified my interest in going to library school and helped me realize all the background work people do to keep the library up and running.
What superpower would you like to have?
My superpower of choice would be precognition.
What’s your favorite section in a bookstore or library?
My favorite section in a bookstore or library definitely has to be the graphic novel section and the stationary/art supplies/journaling section.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
My proudest accomplishment is receiving both of my masters degrees.
What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime?
Mobile Internet