Announcement: ARLIS/NA Diversity - POC Connections & Solutions Series
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash
The ARLIS/NA Diversity committee is starting our POC Connections & Solutions series!
Sessions are exclusively for library members of color and intended to provide a safe and solutions based space. In order to keep Jessica Krug and Rachel Dolezal out of the events, every session will have a new link, so registration will have to occur for each session.
While some ARLIS/NA members may perceive the POC Connections & Solutions series as divisive, it is a space for communion meant to chip away at the library’s “concrete ceiling.”
Our first session, the Library Roundtable, happens January 29th @1 pm EST.
Sessions are free and private, so please register!
Find the itinerary below.
Send inquiries to:
January - Library Roundtable
Get fired up! Plan the first 90 days, 6 months, and year of your 2021 career! Use this session to become invaluable in your position while possibly reinvigorating your love for the profession.
February - Navigating Toxic Environments
Mother Theresa stated, “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.” Establish survival skills to circumvent toxic people & environments.
March - Talking Turkey
Free and open discussion. Talk self care, concerns, vent, or suggest a topic.
April - Bring Your Brown To Work Day
Ways to ensure people of color are represented in all areas of your library.
May - Get What You Negotiate
Create strategies for raises and promotions. Brainstorm negotiations strategies that make you invaluable to the organization and community you serve.
June - Back to the Future
What do you wish you knew about the profession prior to receiving your MLS / MLIS? Do POCs have a career in librarianship? Should we encourage people of color to join the profession?