Our Story, as told by LaQuanda and Lorin

WOC+Lib is a digital platform that highlights the perspectives of BIPOC workers in LIS and related fields. Listen to how it came to be as WOC+Lib team member Jaena Rae Cabrera interviews co-founders LaQuanda Onyemeh and Lorin Jackson.

Here they discuss their shared vision of WOC+Lib and the challenges they faced in creating it.

WOC+Lib It takes two ( WOC+Lib and Community)

This week, we are celebrating our two-year anniversary with a fundraising campaign: It Takes Two!

Click Here to catch and review our kick-off week!

Please consider donating if you are able to assist in sustaining WOC+Lib: https://gofund.me/8c1613d4

Are you following us on Twitter? @wocandlib If not, follow now. Are you a subscriber to our WOC+Lib channel? Subscribe now!

Support our members. You can book Narcissa Haskins WOC+Lib team member for your editing and videography needs at: legendaryafrosouls@gmail.com

WOC and Lib